Complete RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) Skid for Land Based Fish Farming
The MAT-KULING Recirculating aquaculture skid filtration systems are tailor-made complete filtration units designed for simple Recirculating Aquaculture operation, with the smallest footprint and minimum energy and water consumption. The units are equipped to provide complete mechanical, biological, organic removal treatments along with disinfection and aeration/oxygen enrichment based on the requirements of the applications. Plug and […]
Ghana BIGGEST Super Ultramodern Fish Farm Constructed by A Nigerian Fish Expert, Kufre Francis
FIRST FISH ACADEMY(FIFIAC) PROJECTS… Hi friends, lovers, students, clients, customers of FIFIAC… am super excited to list down below the number of project we have handled since 2019 and successes achieved so far. A BIG thank you for believing in us and entrusting Millions in our hands to create and implement your dreams. However: Some […]