Pot and Bloom Flower Boost Spray Ready to use, special formulation to enhance & stimulate flower growth. Liquid Fertilizer for all flower varieties – 250 ml

Product Description

Flower BoostFlower Boost

Flower BoostFlower Boost

Pot and BloomPot and Bloom

Pot and Bloom flower boosterPot and Bloom flower booster

Pot and BloomPot and Bloom

Pot and BloomPot and Bloom

Pot and BloomPot and Bloom

It is incredibly effective on all kinds of flowering plants, such as marigold, hibiscus, jasmine, rose etc. It is appropriate for use in nurseries, home and balcony gardens. Suitable for all varieties.
Beneficial plant elements, such as amino acids, humic and fulvi extracts in this formulation strengthen buds, prevents fall of buds and gives fuller blooms.
With an enhanced metabolism, this Flower Boost spray guarantees a supply of all macro and micronutrients that are necessary for flowers for overall development. It guarantees rich, robust, green plants with colourful blossoms.
flower boost has been specifically formulated to enhance and Stimulate Flower growth in plants. This special formulation ensures that plants retain maximum number of flower buds. Flower boost stops flower drop due to abiotic stress such as temperature , dry weather etc.
Directions to Use: Unlock the nozzle. Apply the spray to cover the whole plant. Spray Once a week. No dilution required. Ready to use. Use in the morning for best results.