POLY POND Construction / Installation | Poly pond for Fish Farming or Rainwater Harvesting
Polypond -Pond lining helps in water conservation. We lose the maximum amount of water stored in tanks, ponds & canals due to water seepage into the earth which reduces the efficiency of the canal and Ponds. Pond liner is a boon to the Farmer during droughts. With help of this stored water in the Pond […]
Fish Farming using Rainwater | Farm & Fish pond Construction | Rainwater Harvesting System | pool
To Grow your Business/Channel On YouTube for free Signup here : https://bit.ly/3G0nm1U In this pond fish farming is a substitute. Primary purpose of the Pond is rainwater Harvesting. And the harvested rainwater is used for various agricultural purposes. NOTE: for fish farming there are better options available. Don’t use this method for fish farming. You […]