Magur Liar ! Usaha Budidaya Lapar Ikan Lele

Magur Liar ! Usaha Budidaya Lapar Ikan Lele Wild Magur ! Farming Commercial Business Hungry Catfish Acquire flat land for a pond. The location of the pond should have vehicle access be made of a compact soil be free of silt, be 5 to 7 feet deep and have a gently sloping bottom. Construct the […]

Tilapia Fish Farming || How to Feed Monosex Tilapia

Tilapia is tolerant of a variety of aquaculture environments, it can be farmed in brackish or salt water and also in pond or cage systems. Tilapia is seasonal. It can survive and breed only in warmer water. The ideal water temperature for a tilapia farm is 83-87 degree. After a week of applying pond fertilizers […]