सभी प्रकार के मछली के बच्चे | Mangur machhali | Fish seed market in kolkata
Catfish seed | मांगुर मछली जीरा Fish seed Kolkata Hybrid mangur मछली का बच्चा In this video, we explore Kolkata’s largest fish seed market, where you’ll find a wide variety of fish seeds, especially different species of Mangur fish, including Desi and Hybrid Mangur in all sizes. Whether you’re into fish farming or just starting, […]
बकरी पालन के साथ मुर्गी और मछली पालन | Integrated goat fish and chicken farming
Integrated farming model | Goat farming | Poultry farming | Fish farming #integratedfarming In this video, we introduce Jatan Ji, who has been running a successful poultry farm for the past 5 years and has recently expanded into goat and fish farming. He believes that integrating these farming practices can help farmers achieve better income. […]
नौकरी छोड़ शुरू किया मछली + बकरी पालन | Integrated goat and fish farming
Goat farming business | Fish farming | integrated livestock farming #goatfarm #fish Discover the benefits of integrated goat and fish farming in this insightful video! We explore how combining these two farming practices can create a sustainable and productive system. Learn about the advantages of nutrient recycling, efficient land use, and improved farm profitability. Watch […]
50 बीघा में मछली, बकरी, मुर्गी, कबूतर, बतख पालन | Integrated Fish Farming
Integrated farming system | Goat farming | Fish farming | Poultry farming | Duck Farming #farm In this inspiring video, we explore the journey of Bilal, who has transformed his passion for aquaculture into a thriving business over the past six years. Starting with a small pond, he now manages fish farming across 50 bighas. […]
1 एकड़ से 3 लाख शुद्ध मुनाफा कैसे ? Integrated Goat Chicken and Fish farming
Integrated farming model | Goat farming | poultry farming | Fish farming #integratedfarming Welcome to the world of integrated farming, where one farmer in rural India is redefining agricultural success! Discover how he ingeniously combines goat, chicken, and fish farming on just 1 acre of land, earning a staggering 3 lakh rupees per month. Breeding […]
तालाब के ऊपर बनाया बकरी और मुर्गा फॉर्म | जीरो खर्चे में मछली तैयार | IFS Model
Integrated goat chicken and fish farming | Integrated farm design आज के इस वीडियो में हम आपको एक अनोखे फार्म की कहानी दिखाएंगे, जहां जीरो खर्च में बकरी, मुर्गी और मछली का पालन किया जाता है। हम मिलेंगे उस व्यक्ति से जिसने सऊदी अरब की नौकरी छोड़कर रोहतास जिले में इस अनोखे इंटीग्रेटेड फार्म की […]
1 एकड़ से 4 लाख कमाई | Fish farming | machhali palan kaise kare
machli palan kaise hota hai | मछली पालन कैसे किया जाता है | Fish farm #fishfarming Discover the ins and outs of the fish farming business in our latest video! We explore the essential steps to start your own aquaculture venture, from selecting the right species to managing water quality and feeding. Learn about the […]
मछली के साथ मछली का बच्चा तैयार करके लाखो कमाओ | Fish farming in india
Fish farming: fish seed farming | fish hatching process | machli palan kaise karen #fishfarming देवकीनंदन जी बिहार के एक मछली पालक है जो पिछले 8 वर्षों से #मछलीपालन कर रहे हैं, उन्होंने मछली पालन का प्रशिक्षण भी लिया है | उन्होंने नील क्रांति योजना के तहत मछली पालन का शुरूआत किया था हम उनसे […]
इंजीनियर साहब ने नौकरी छोड़ मुर्गी पालन तथा मछली पालन शुरू किया | Fish farming | Poultry farming
Poultry farm business plan | murgi farm kaise khole | integrated fish and poultry farm #poultry Witness an inspiring journey as an engineer turns entrepreneur in the world of integrated farming like fish and poultry farming togather. Join us as we explore the fascinating story of how he left his job to venture into the […]
इंजीनियरिंग स्टाइल में मछली पालन | Fish Farming Startup Business Plan | fish farming at home
We are at a fish farm startup in Bihar it’s a semi biofloc fish farming in pond, this aquaculture is started by a software engineer Parshant Sharma. Today we know about fish farming startup business plan and how to start fish farming at home. इंजीनियरिंग स्टाइल में मछली पालन | Fish Farming Startup Business Plan […]