Integrated GOAT, FISH and DUCK Farming – This is the Future! Integrated Farming System

Are you interested in sustainable agriculture and maximizing efficiency in your farming operation? Watch this video to learn about integrated goat, fish, and duck farming. This multi-species farming system combines goats, ducks, and fish in a mutually beneficial relationship, reducing the need for synthetic inputs and improving sustainability. In this video, we’ll cover the basics […]

One acre fish in one tank | Biofloc fish farming | Modern fish farming | Kissan Kay Naam | EP 49

#fishfarming #kissankaynaam #sunonewshd One acre fish in one tank | Biofloc fish farming | Modern fish farming | Kissan Kay Naam | EP 49 For the latest news & updates. Follow our website: Suno News HD Official Digital Platforms Tweets by suno_newshd Haroon Rasheed Show Siasat Aur Riasat Barrister Ehtesham Show […]


जो लोग बिहार में मछली पालन ( Fish Farming ) शुरू करना चाहते हैं या कर रहे हैं उनके लिए ये वीडियो ( Fish Farmin g Video ) काफी ज्ञानवर्धक साबित होगी | मुजफ्फरपुर , जसौली जहाँ बिहार का सबसे बड़ा FISH FARMING POND है जो 45 एकड़ जमीं पर बड़े – बड़े तालाबों के […]

Fish Farming से करोड़ों कमाते हैं पद्मश्री Sultan Singh| RAS System Expert| Fish Seeds & Hatchery

Fish Farming से करोड़ों कमाते हैं पद्मश्री Sultan Singh| RAS TECHNOLOGY EXPERT| Fish Seed & Hatchery Asia’s Biggest Fish Breeding Farm and Hatchery 30 एकड़ में मछली पालन करते है पद्मश्री सुल्तान सिंह #fishfarming #SultanFishFarmKarnal #RASfishFarming Contact:- Sultan Fish Breeding Farm and Hatchery Village- Butana, Nilokheri District- Karnal, Haryana Mob. No- 9812032544 नमस्कार दोस्तों , […]

Integrated PIG and FISH Farming | Integrated Farming System Model

Raising pigs can be effectively combined with a fish culture in ponds as well as vegetable farming. In tropical countries like India, this is a suitable option as pigs grow faster and at a steady pace in hot climates. Since the food habits of people are changing constantly in India, there is a much higher […]

Integrated Goat, Chicken and Fish Farming | Integrated Farming System

The term “Integrated Farming System” is frequently used to describe a more integrated method of farming than monoculture methods. It is a multidimensional approach designed to manage resources sustainably and effectively for higher crop output. The Integrated Farming System uses organic farming, livestock, vermicomposting, and other methods to achieve its numerous goals of sustainability, food […]

Integrated Duck and Fish Farming

In this video, let’s explore an Integrated fish and duck farming shed, its benefits, and why this practice is gaining popularity among farmers worldwide. INTEGRATED DUCK AND FISH FARMING: In recent years, integrated fish and duck farming has gained considerable attention as a sustainable and efficient method of agriculture. This innovative approach involves raising fish […]

Integrated Chicken, Plant and Fish Farming (ICPF) | Combination of Vertical Farming & Aquaponics

Beegle Agritech, in Collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom, has built one of its kind Microphonics technology called Integrated Circular Pyramid Farming (ICPF) technology in Bangalore. This method raises Hens + Fishes + and Plants in Vertical Hydroponics Structure with minimal space, water, and workforce. In a conventional method, farmers can grow 25 to […]

Integrated Rice and Fish Farming | Integrated Paddy and Aquaculture Farming

Well, what is the integrated fish culture in paddy fields? It is nothing but growing fish in rice (paddy) fields by using the same area without impacting rice quality and yield. Integrated fish farming provides the option for getting extra income along with the main crop (rice). Though this system has proven profitable, it has […]