How this mega-project will make Egypt the continent's largest fish producer
We live at such a time when the threat of global hunger does not manifest itself in any way. Africa remains the only continent where news on this topic periodically comes from. Ironically, Egypt, most of which is occupied by the lifeless African desert, never gets into the headlines of such news of the mass […]
Norway's Biggest Sustainable Fish Farm in the World
Norway’s Biggest Sustainable Fish Farm in the World How Norway Sustainably has the World’s Biggest Fish Farm and today ee need to farm fish so we take you inside the biggest fishing farm in Norway. Made to look similar to a spaceship, by the Chinese marine manufacturer CSI, Ocean farm took almost 11 months to […]
America's Fish Farm with Amazing Technology and Cool Machines for The Highest Productivity
America’s Fish Farm with Amazing Technology and Cool Machines for The Highest Productivity The incredible technology and cutting-edge machinery used in today’s American fish farms allow them to consistently rank among the most productive in the world. Today’s fish farmers are experts at using and maintaining these complex devices. The farmers take tremendous pleasure in […]
Inside The World's Biggest Fish Farm
By 2050, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts that the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion people. This is 34% more than it is today. To eliminate mass hunger, food supplies must grow at a faster pace, and world food production must increase by 70%. Current methods of fish farming will […]
The future of aquaculture. New fish farming technologies
Did you know that aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector In the world? This is as a result of seafood being one of those rare types of food that is very useful to humans and at the same time easily scalable in production. With the help of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence and […]