Should You Feed Aquarium Fish Less Often In Winter

There’s a lot of misconception among people when it comes to feeding fish during winter. So what should be the fish feeding routine in winter? Generally speaking, you don’t have to make a lot of changes in your fish’s regular feeding routine, as long as you maintain the right temperature in your fish tank. It’s […]

Desi magur VS Hybrid Magur kaise pehchane ?🔥😱|| Magur Fish Farming #fishfarming

Title: “Decoding Desi vs. Hybrid Magur Fish: How to Tell Them Apart” Description: Learn how to distinguish between Desi and Hybrid Magur fish with our comprehensive guide! We cover key physical characteristics, behavioral traits, and breeding history to help you confidently identify each type. Subscribe for expert insights into the world of Magur fish farming […]

मछलियों का कैसा होना चाहिए Feed, जानिए एक्सपर्ट | Fish Farming | Fish Farming Business | KOI Reel

#KisanOfIndia #KOIReel #Feed #FishFarming #FishFarmingBusiness #Farm #animalhusbandry प्रोटीन एक जैविक यौगिक है, जो विभिन्न प्रकार के ऐमिनो एसिड से बने होते हैं । किसी भी जीव के विकास के लिए प्रोटीन की आवश्यकता होती है । प्रत्येक मछलियों में प्रोटीन की आवश्यकता जीवन के विभिन्न अवस्थाओं में अलग-अलग होती है। जानिए इस वीडियो में एक्सपर्ट […]

ব্রিডিং হরমোনসহ মাছ চাষের যাবতীয় সরঞ্জাম এখন হাতে নাগালে // Fish Farming accessories

মাছ চাষের যাবতীয় সরঞ্জাম এখানে পাবেন ( ব্রিডিং হরমোন, ঔষুধ, পাম্প, মিটার, কিট, তারপলিন, খাবার) Mob-9051366119/8017415442 Active Activity ( All Materials & Feed For Fish Farming) N/89/1 Srinagar, Masidhati Rd, Barasat, North 24 Pgs, kol -128 বারাসাত চাঁপাডালি মোড়( টাকি রোড) থেকে ভ্যানে, টোটোতে অথবা অটোতে ৫ মিনিটের রাস্তা এসে শান্তিভবন বিয়েবাড়িতে নেমে উল্টোদিকের গলিতে […]

IMC मछली पालन की संपूर्ण जानकारी | IMC Fish Farming A to Z Information | #fishfarmingindia

@koyturfishfarmingindia Welcome to our channel, where we delve into the fascinating world of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMC) Fish Farming in India! 🐟🌱 In this video, we’re excited to bring you insights into the revolutionary IMC practices that are transforming the aquaculture landscape. 🔍 Key Highlights: IMC: Redefining Sustainable Aquaculture India’s Thriving Fish Farming Industry 🇮🇳 […]

How does the RAS (recirculating aquaculture system) work ? In this video you will learn about how does a RAS fish farm/land based fish farm works, what is the process and what are the different steps. Email: LinkedIn: Support Aquaculture Tribe and get more out of this channel. Website: 0:00 Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) 1:03 So, How does RAS […]