How To Start BIOFLOC Fish Farming In Pakistan | Biofloc Fish Farming Complete Information Urdu/Hindi
In This Video We Will Give Information About Biofloc Fish Farming , What Is Biofloc Fish Farming? And How This Technology Works? And What Is The Cost For Biofloc Tanks? So Watch Video Till The End… You can purchase biofloc tank from here , Gmail, Subscribe To My Second Channel : _________________________________________________________________ […]
Fish Farming Business | Fish Farming Loan & Subsidy | Biofloc Fish Farming Tank Setup
Fish Farming Business | Fish Farming Loan & Subsidy | Biofloc Fish Farming Tank Setup हैल्लो दोस्तों, यह वीडियो मछली पालन के बारे में है इस वीडियो में मछली पालन लोन, सब्सिडी और Fish Farming प्रक्रिया के बारे में पूरी जानकारी दी गयी है | वीडियो पूरा जरुर देखें और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें | […]
ট্যাংকে মাছ চাষ করে মাসে আয় লাখ টাকা | Fish farming | Protidiner Bangladesh
ট্যাংকে মাছ চাষ করে মাসে আয় লাখ টাকা | Fish farming | @ProtidinerBangladesh #pbnews Welcome to the Official YouTube Channel of #ProtidinerBangladesh »» Subscribe: »» Read More News on: »» Our Social Platforms: Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: »» Office Address: Plot: 77-78, Road: 3-4, Block-I, Bashundhara Residential […]
One acre fish in one tank | Biofloc fish farming | Modern fish farming | Kissan Kay Naam | EP 49
#fishfarming #kissankaynaam #sunonewshd One acre fish in one tank | Biofloc fish farming | Modern fish farming | Kissan Kay Naam | EP 49 For the latest news & updates. Follow our website: Suno News HD Official Digital Platforms Tweets by suno_newshd Haroon Rasheed Show Siasat Aur Riasat Barrister Ehtesham Show […]
Cement Tank और Biofloc Fish Farming में कैसे और कितना कमाई कर सकते है जानिए UP वाले प्रधान जी से ।
नमस्कार दोस्तों आज हम हैं सुल्तानपुर जिले के गोपीनाथपुर में और आप सभी को मिलवाने जा रहें हैं एक खास किसान जिनका नाम है नन्हे राम निसाद जो की दो बार गाँव प्रधान रह चुके हैं | आप पहले से भी प्रधान जी को जानते होंगे क्यों की इनकी और भी वीडियो हमारे चैंनल पर […]
🐟Highdensity Tilapia Fish Farming with Biofloc Technology😎👍||🤠सही तकनीक का उपयोग करें||100% लाभ🐟
@koyturfishfarmingindia 🐟Highdensity Tilapiya Fish Farming with Biofloc Technology😎👍||🤠सही तकनीक का उपयोग करें||100% लाभ🐟 Contact service: +918800446453 What’s app Contact: +919926231994 Email: KOYTUR FISH FARMING INDIA KUMHARI RAIPUR (C.G.) #fishfarmingindia #🐟HighdensityTilapiyaFishFarmingwithBioflocTechnology😎👍 #tilapiafishfarming #biofloctanks #bioflocfishfarmingcompleteguide Time Frame : 0:01 Tilapia farming introduction 0:24 Biofloc introduction and queries 1:09 Start video 1:13 What is biofloc technique […]
Biofloc Fish Farming in Telugu | బయో ఫ్లాగ్ విధానంలో చేపలు పెంచుతున్నాం లక్షల్లో లాభం..! Tone Agri
Modren Methods in Fish Farming. Chepala Pempakam, Aquaculture, Biofloc Fish Farming in Telugu by Pavan Kumar, Aqua Farmer, Mittapalem, Guntur Dristrict. #ToneAgri #ChepalaPempakam #SmallBusinessIdeas #FishFarming #BioflocFishFarm #AgriFarming వర్షాధార వ్యవసాయానికి సమాచార వారథిగా టోన్ అగ్రి ప్రస్థానం పాలీహౌస్, పెండల్స్, వర్టికల్, రూఫ్ గార్డెనింగ్ లో నైపుణ్యం పండ్లు, కూరలు, ఆకులు, దుంపలు, పూలు పూసే ఉద్యానం మూలికలు, సుగంధద్రవ్యాలు, ఎడారి మొక్కల వృక్షశాస్త్రం పాడి, కోడి, […]
Biofloc Farming – Ghar Me 1 Fish Tank Se 5 Acre Fish Farm Jitna Profit Hasil Karen, Punjab Agri Farm
Biofloc fish farming with modern techniques is done in Punjab agri Farms. 6 fish tanks are made in the area of 6 kanal and each tank gives the production of nearly 5 acres which means that with the usage of nwdern technology you can generate maximum profit within the minimum space. They are also giving […]
Fish farming में तालाब कैसे तैयार करें | Pond preparation in Fish farming | machli palan ka tarika
Fish farming में तालाब कैसे तैयार करें | Pond preparation in Fish farming | machli palan ka tarika #fishfarming #fishvideo #machlipalan #fishfarmingbusiness मछली पालन में लेवल : मछली पालन में की जाने वाली गलतियों पर सीरीज : मछली दाना कैसे मैनेज करें : pH की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी – तालाब सफाई की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी : […]
Fish Farming in Jharkhand | Fully Automated RAS Fish Farm | मछली पालन का वैज्ञानिक तरीका | Ranchi jh
Fish Farming in Jharkhand | Fully Automated RAS Fish Farm | मछली पालन का वैज्ञानिक तरीका | Ranchi Jharkhand रांची में वैज्ञानिक तरिके से मछली पालन किया जा रहा है। जो पूरी तरह से स्वचलित है। यहां पर RAS तकनीक से मछली का उत्पादन किया जा रहा है। Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are used in […]