Fish Farming के लिए क्या है बेहतर Fish Tank या तालाब, जानिए | Biofloc Fish Farming | Aquaculture

#kisanofindia #FishFarming #FishFarming #Aquaculture #FishTankVsPond #SustainableFarming #Aquaponics #PondFarming #TankFarming #FishTankBenefits #PondAdvantages #bioflocfish 🌳Kisan of India🌳 is an initiative for providing vital information to Indian Farmers, guiding them to make a profit from farming, help to earn well with their hard work. 🔴 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: 🔴 Like us on Facebook: 🔴 […]

The Components of a Recirculating Aquaculture System, RAS Fish Farming and Aquaponics

In this video, UC Davis Aquaculture explains what is Recirculating Aquaculture System? We also tour our RAS fish farming system that supports our vertical aquaponic greenhouse. We discuss the 4 components of a recirculating aquaculture system and introduce various common components used in a commercial aquaculture fish farm or on an aquaponic farm. The 4 […]