Fish Farming के लिए क्या है बेहतर Fish Tank या तालाब, जानिए | Biofloc Fish Farming | Aquaculture
#kisanofindia #FishFarming #FishFarming #Aquaculture #FishTankVsPond #SustainableFarming #Aquaponics #PondFarming #TankFarming #FishTankBenefits #PondAdvantages #bioflocfish 🌳Kisan of India🌳 is an initiative for providing vital information to Indian Farmers, guiding them to make a profit from farming, help to earn well with their hard work. 🔴 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: 🔴 Like us on Facebook: 🔴 […]
Integrated Chicken, Plant and Fish Farming (ICPF) | Combination of Vertical Farming & Aquaponics
Beegle Agritech, in Collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom, has built one of its kind Microphonics technology called Integrated Circular Pyramid Farming (ICPF) technology in Bangalore. This method raises Hens + Fishes + and Plants in Vertical Hydroponics Structure with minimal space, water, and workforce. In a conventional method, farmers can grow 25 to […]